Task 6

Results dissemination, assessment of appropriate cues and recommendations

The project will compile a data-repository of the summary data collected on acoustic cue rates as part of task 1. As this develops throughout the ACCURATE project, we will explore the best approach to dissemination. The data format will be finalized during the project in coordination with all project partners to ensure that the most useful metadata is stored in a standardized and user-friendly format. We will host a workshop on cue rates, what information is available, how to use it, what might be the best way to choose between different cues, etc. Following the delivery of the database outlined in task 1, updated with the expected project outputs of tasks 2 and 4, and the workshop described above, appropriate cues for different species/context combinations will be indicated and a robust set of recommendations regarding the most appropriate species to collect further cue rate data for and the technical approaches required to achieve this will be outlined.

Regarding dessimination, we are engaged in producing both scientific outputs anf outreach material for the wider comunity interested in acoustic cue rates and how they are key for passive acoustic density estimation.

Our latest paper is this:

  • Rycyk, A., Becham, C. & Marques, T.A. (2022). Estimating Florida manatee (Trichechusmanatus latirostris) abundance using passive acoustic methods. JASA Express Letters. DOI: 10.1121/10.0010495
A baby manatee following his mom at Blue Springs. This image was taken as a screenshot from the underwater Blue Springs web cam (the paper is with Blue Springs data!)

Our latest outreach content is the video below, about how for cue rates we need to account for both the time the animals spend producing sounds but, as important, the periods when the animals are silent:

You can take a look at all the outputs and outreach material on our dedicated outputs and outreach webpages.

Team members

  • Carolina Marques
  • Cormac Booth
  • Kalliopi Gkikopoulou
  • Katarína Klementisová
  • Maria Zacarias
  • Mary Woodcock Kroble
  • Tiago Marques


Detectability matters: #scicomm video on why it is fundamental to account for detectability in PAM DE 12 Apr 2023 - In this brand new 2023 release we continue our series of videos on passive acoustic monitoring density estimation, this time focussing on the perils of ignoring detecatability when comparing counts of detected sounds across scenarios where detectability might vary. We follow our resident biologist Danielle as she finds out about why this might be crucial… Continue Reading
New #scicomm video on cue rates 26 Jul 2022 - We recently posted on Youtube the second video from our sci comm series, about cue rates and they are important for passive acoustic density estimation. In the video we follow a researcher, named Len, and help him solve a problem with his cue rates for PAM DE. Take a look and tell us what you… Continue Reading

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