
Here we provide a comprehensive list of all ACCURATE related outputs.

Note some of these outputs are extras in the sense that they might have not been associated with specific tasks or named objectives under ACCURATE, but resulted from the involvement of ACCURATE researchers, and cover the general topic of cue rate estimation, and are hence captured under the umbrella of one or more tasks under ACCURATE.


  • Blackwell, S.B., Thode, A.M., Conrad, A.S., Ferguson, M.C., Berchok, C.L., Stafford, K.M., Marques, T.A. & Kim, K.H. (2021). Estimating acoustic cue rates in bowhead whales, Balaena mysticetus, during their fall migration through the Alaskan Beaufort Sea. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America149, 3611–3625. DOI: 10.1121/10.0005043
Bowhead in the Barents Sea (wrong sea, right species!) © Tiago Marques 2015
  • Romagosa, M., Pérez-Jorge, S., Cascão, I., Mouriño, H., Lehodey, P., Pereira, A., Marques, T.A., Matias, L. & Silva, M.A. (2021). Food talk: 40-hz fin whale calls are associated with prey biomass. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences288, 20211156. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2021.1156
Three fin whales off Pico Island. Photo kindly provided by Rui Prieto (IMAR). For more about fantastic ongoing work from Rui and other colleagues at the Azores Whale Lab visit their web page here.
  • Rycyk, A., Becham, C. & Marques, T.A. (2022). Estimating Florida manatee (Trichechusmanatus latirostris) abundance using passive acoustic methods. JASA Express Letters. DOI: 10.1121/10.0010495
A baby manatee following his mom at Blue Springs. This image was taken as a screenshot from the underwater Blue Springs web cam (the paper is with Blue Springs data!)


The following talks were presented at the 2022 DCLDE workshop:

  • Romagosa, M., Nieukirk, S., Cascão, I., Marques, T.A., Dziak, R., Perrot, J., O’Brien, J., Mellinger, D., Pereira, A., Ugalde, A., Papale, E., Rasmussen, M., Matias, L., Prieto, R. & Silva1, M.A. (2022). Changes in fin whale song inter-note intervals: Implications for density estimation using PAM. Talk at 9th Detection, Classification, Localization and Density Estimation of Marine Mammals using Passive Acoustics.
  • Baumann-Pickering, S., Berga, A.S., Trickey, J.S., Wiggins, S.M., Aguilar, C. & Hildebrand, J.A. (2022). Passive acoustic density estimation of Cuvier’s beaked whale in Southern California waters. Talk at 9th Detection, Classification, Localization and Density Estimation of Marine Mammals using Passive Acoustics.
  • Barkley, I., Merkens, K., Wood, M., Oleson, E. & Marques, T.A. (2022). How many clicks does it take? Investigating click rate variability for sperm whales in hawaiian waters. Talk at 9th Detection, Classification, Localization and Density Estimation of Marine Mammals using Passive Acoustics.
  • Marques, C.S., Marques, T.A., Gkikopoulou, K.C., Prieto, R., Oliveira, C., Silva, M.A. & Hickmott, L.S. (2022d). Estimating cue rates from tags without acoustic data. Talk at 9th Detection, Classification, Localization and Density Estimation of Marine Mammals using Passive Acoustics.
  • Gkikopoulou, K.C., Gillespie, D.M., Harris, D., Johnson, M., Tyack, P.L., Aguilar de Soto, N., Hickmott, L. & Marques, T.A. (2022). Stability of acoustic cues for density estimation. Talk at 9th Detection, Classification, Localization and Density Estimation of Marine Mammals using Passive Acoustics.
  • Dombroski, J., Gillespie, D., Parks, S.E., Carbaugh-Rutland, A.W. & Širović, A. (2022). Can we rely on accelerometer data to detect calls from focal whales? Talk at 9th Detection, Classification, Localization and Density Estimation of Marine Mammals using Passive Acoustics.

The following abstracts were submitted to ISEC 2022

  • Marques, T.A., Jones-Todd, C.M., Michelot, T., Marques, C.S., C., G.K., Thomas, L., Harris, D. & others. (2022c). Comparing statistical methods to estimate sound production rates based on animal borne tag data. Talk at International Statistical Ecology Conference 2022.
  • Marques, C.S., C., G.K., Thomas, L., Harris, D., Marques, T.A. & others. (2022a). Investigating the effect of variable animal-borne tag durations on parameter precision and uncertainty. Poster at International Statistical Ecology Conference 2022.


  • Marques, D.A. (2022). Echolocation click rates in narwhals (monondon monoceros) as a conservation stepping-stone. Master’s thesis, MSc in Conservation Biology, Department of Animal Biology. Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, Portugal.
    Diana Marques was supervised by Tiago Marques (and Susanna Blackwell). Her thesis looks into narwhal sound production and is planned to be turned into a publication.

Outreach and science communication

  • Marques, T.A., Dornellas, L.F., Guerra, A., Marques, C.S., Tempero, B., Zacarias, M. & Hart, C. (2022b). Counting animals by recording their voices. Frontiers for Young Minds10.
A girl listening to sounds and counting them, noting them down in a notebook.
Image taken from the publisher site. View original.

Marques et al. (2022b) is a science communication and outreach paper explaining passive acoustic density estimation to a teenager target audience. View abstract and paper.

ACCURATE (via Popi Gkikopoulou) was present at a science outreach activity at the Botanic Gardens of St Andrews: Go wild with science! Whale & Dolphin calls – what, how and how many? Read more about the activity.

ACCURATE (via Tiago A. Marques) was presented at a number of Portuguese highschools.

Science Communication outreach videos

Led by MAria Zacarias, we have been engaged in producing a series of Science Communication videos covering the fundamental aspects of passive acoustic monitoring density estimation. You can find those available below, starting from the basics of PAMD DE, followed by the ACCURATE focus of cue production rates, and (at least for now) ending with detectability matters, that is, whay it matters to think about detectability. Detectability can also be thought of as false negatives. The corresponding last piece of the puzzle refers to false positives. We hope to produce a final fourth video in this PAM DE series, covering false positives, during the year of 2023. Therefore, stay tuned! All videos are available from ACCURATE’s youtube channel here.

  • Zacarias, M. & Marques, T.A. (2022). How we estimate animal density from passive acoustic recordings: A scicomm video!
A video on how we estimate animal density from passive acoustic data
  • Zacarias, M. & Marques, T.A. (2022). Cue Rates for Passive Acoustic Density Estimation: A scicomm video!
A video on cue rates for density estimation from passive acoustic data, where we join Len, a resident biologist, in finding out how these are fundamental.
  • Zacarias, M. & Marques, T.A. (2023). Detectability matters in Passive Acoustic Density Estimation
A video on why we must care about detectability in passive acoustics density estimation, where we join Danielle, a resident biologist, in learning the importance of detectability matters!

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